Cracked windshields are an unavoidable part of driving a motor vehicle. Even the smallest pebble being flung up by the car in front of you can cause a crack, especially if you are traveling at highway speeds. Windshield repair or replacement can cost hundreds of dollars, so many drivers choose to put it off, which is a bad idea for reasons discussed below.
A Cracked Windshield can be Extremely Dangerous
While a cracked windshield may seem like a minor annoyance, in reality, it is an extremely serious matter that requires prompt attention. If the crack is in your line of sight, it can interfere with your ability to see other vehicles and obstacles in the road. Additionally, a cracked windshield loses structural integrity, which means that it will not provide the support that it is intended to provide in a rollover accident, may increase the risk of ejection from the vehicle in an accident, and can affect the way that the car absorbs an impact in the event of a front-end collision.
If your windshield is chipped or if the crack is very small, do not make the mistake of ignoring it. Windshield cracks tend to spread due to moisture and temperature changes, so what starts off as a small chip may turn into a significant crack if left alone. As a result, the chip or crack may grow slowly without you noticing it or you may get in your car one morning to find a huge crack across the entirety of your windshield and not have time to fix it prior to driving.
Insurance may Cover Windshield Repair, Depending on Your Policy
Fixing a windshield can cost hundreds of dollars, but fortunately for some people, their auto insurance will cover it. If you have comprehensive coverage, your insurance company will pay for the repair or replacement of a cracked or chipped windshield. Additionally, some policies have an option of full coverage window glass insurance, which means that there will be no deductible. Remember, even if your insurance does not cover your repair, you should fix a cracked windshield right away – just make sure that you have coverage for the next time it happens!
Call Today for a Quote
If you are in the market for car insurance or just would like to explore your options, you should call the Skeele Agency, Inc. today. To speak with a member of our team and to get a free quote, call our office today or send us an email through our online contact form.