Drivers who simply allow their policies to renew without considering whether their coverage needs have changed may be doing themselves a disservice. If your policy is getting close to renewal, you should take the opportunity to review your policy and make sure it still fits your needs. Here are some things to consider when reviewing your insurance policy prior to renewal.
- Optional Coverage – Before you renew your policy, take the time to review your optional coverages. For example, are you carrying collision insurance even though your car loan has been paid off? Would it be worth your while to add full coverage window glass insurance? You should consider these issues and discuss them with your agent.
- Policy Limits – If you are like many people, you may have purchased lower liability limits to save some money first. When money is tight and you do not have significant assets at risk, this sometimes will make sense to do. However, companies have adjusted rates so that it is a minimal cost to increase your limits. If you are involved in an accident and max out your policy, your personal assets could be at risk.
- Policy Adjustments – Quite often things change in your household and driver situation and many people forget to let their insurance agent know. Even small things like an address change or new phone number is important. Your renewal is a good time to touch base with your agent to make sure they have the most updated contact info. While reviewing your policy, also make sure changes in driver your driver situation doesn’t need to also be updated – a child moved out, one started school, someone took a different job and drives less miles. While they don’t seem to be a big change, they may save you some money!
- Discuss all possible discounts – Insurance companies have come up with several discounts available to their customers that it is difficult to keep up with them all. That’s what your agent is for! Your renewal is the best time to discuss all discounts that your company offers – good student, defensive driving, paperless, autopay, student at college – just to name a few. Reach out to make sure you are getting everything you are eligible for!
Call Today for a Quote
If your insurance policy is about to renew or you are shopping for insurance, you should call the Skeele Agency, Inc. today to review your options. To learn more about our services and to receive a free, no obligation review and quote, call one of our 6 convenient offices today or send us an email through our online contact form.